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NAC Committees

The function of the NCORE® National Advisory Council (NAC) is to assist in setting a vision for the conference by making recommendations concerning the conference program, keynote speakers, and special events. Each committee can have up to 10 members. As the name suggests, its function is advisory.

The NAC is composed of the members of eight committees:

•    Accessibility in the Academy  
•    Athletics in the Academy  
•    Executive Officers and Executive Leadership  
•    Faculty Interests and Needs  
•    Human Resources, Recruitment, and Professional Development  
•    Student Affairs and Affiliated Professionals  
•    Student Participation and Leadership  
•    Transnational and International

These eight committees, individually and collectively, provide ideas, recommendations, and critical feedback to improve and enhance the reach, relevance, and effectiveness of NCORE®. Together, the NAC works with the Executive Committee of the Southwest Center for Human Relations Studies, the conference's self-organized caucuses, NCORE staff, and other key stakeholders.

NAC Committee Charges      NAC Guidelines



Accessibility in the Academy

This committee makes recommendations that develop, promote, and maintain accessible practices, increase participation and advocacy for people with disabilities and focus on relevant and responsive practices. In addition, this committee will identify keynote speakers, institutes, workshops, and other events and networking opportunities that would interest administrators and staff members working to improve accessibility on their campuses.

Renee Wells

Renee Wells

Chair - Accessibility in the Academy

Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion / Chief Diversity Officer

Queens University of Charlotte

Charlotte, North Carolina


Athletics in the Academy

This committee makes recommendations to heighten awareness of racial/ethnic minorities' experiences in intercollegiate athletics. Recommended speakers, institutes, workshops, and networking opportunities will empower the members within athletics by cultivating a culture of belonging and striving for equitable participation and career opportunities for racially or ethnically minoritized students, coaches, and administrators.

Niya Blair Hackworth

Niya Blair Hackworth

Chair - Athletics in the Academy Committee

Director of Inclusion


Indianapolis, Indiana


Executive Officers and Executive Leadership

This committee is charged with making recommendations to facilitate the professional interests and needs of those in positions of executive leadership for their college or university, or who are looking toward moving into such leadership positions. These recommendations will include both ideas for conference programming and network building to address issues, concerns and policies, and professional contacts. This committee will also focus on future needs of leaders and evolving leadership roles based on current trends and research.

Bobbie Porter

Bobbie Porter

Chair - Executive Officers and Executive Leadership

Vice President and Chief Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer

California State University-Dominguez Hills

Carson, California


Thomas Witherspoon

Thomas Witherspoon

Vice Chair - Executive Officers and Executive Leadership

Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

The University of Tampa

Tampa, Florida


Faculty Interests and Needs

This committee is charged with making recommendations to identify and met the developmental needs and interests of faculty in higher education as these relate to the mission of NCORE and the NCORE conference. This developmental focus will encompass the full scope of faculty roles in teaching and curriculum development, research and publications, as well as community service. Identifying and addressing current needs in light of emerging trends, this committee will recommend experts to present their research findings, lead developmental workshops and organize other conference opportunities to enhance faculty competencies for educational access, social justice, global and intercultural identities and other pertinent issues at all educational levels.

Alisha Davis

Alisha Davis

Chair - Faculty Interests and Needs

Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Social Justice Centers

Grand Valley State University

Allendale, Michigan


Browning Neddeau

Browning Neddeau

Vice Chair - Faculty Interests and Needs

Associate Professor - Elementary Teacher Education & American Indian Studies

California State University, Chico

Chico, CA


Human Resources: Administration and Staff Recruitment and Professional Development

This committee is charged with making recommendations for conference programming that focus on best practices in policies, practices and procedures related to recruitment, hiring, training, professional development and other pertinent needs for both administrators and staff of color, as well as others interested in increasing their levels of cultural competence. This committee will identify keynote speakers, institutes, workshops and other events and networking opportunities that would be of interest to administrators and staff members working to improve their campuses.

Yashwant Prakash Vyas

Yashwant Prakash Vyas

Chair - Human Resources: Administration and Staff Recruitment and Professional Development

Director, The Aulbani J. Beauregard Center for Equity, Justice, and Freedom

University of New Hampshire

Durham, New Hampshire


Sabrina Jackson

Sabrina Jackson

Vice Chair - Human Resources: Administration and Staff Recruitment and Professional Development


Sabrina Jackson

Greater Detroit Area


Student Affairs and Affiliated Professionals

This Committee is charged with making recommendations to identify and met the development needs of student affairs professionals and others working in affiliated areas (i.e. residence life, coordination of student government, etc.). Using research of current trends and conventional student development theories, this committee will identify potential speakers, presenters, trainers and workshops that would be of interest to these professionals. The goal would be to shape workshops that directly educate and engage student affairs professionals in how to shape their constituent groups’ learning with theory and research-based workshops.

Sara Blair-Medeiros

Sara Blair-Medeiros

Chair - Student Affairs and Affiliated Professionals

Associate Director, Women’s Resources and Research Center

University of California, Davis

Davis, CA


Gerald Jones

Gerald Jones

Vice Chair - Student Affairs and Affiliated Professionals

Associate Vice President for Student Life

Southwestern University

Georgetown, TX


Student Participation and Leadership

This committee is charged with making recommendations for improving and enhancing the participation of both undergraduate and graduate students in the NCORE conference. These recommendations can and should consider ways to involve students in preconference workshops, to develop effective student outreach and orientation to the NCORE conference, and to create conference spaces for students to network both with other students and with faculty, administrators and staff who could act as mentors.

Tomika Wagstaff

Tomika Wagstaff

Chair - Student Participation and Leadership

Vice President for Justice, Equity, Belonging and Identity

College of the Holy Cross

Worcester, MA


Priya V

Priya V

Vice Chair - Student Participation and Leadership

Legislative Analyst

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office

Sacramento, CA


Transnational and International

This committee is charged with exploring and highlighting global and transnational research in critical race theory and its impacts on higher education. The committee will also explore how issues of colonialization, immigration, migration, citizenship and refugee movements impact racism, ethnic biases, colorism, and biases based in nationality, language, and religion across the boundaries of nations and especially in global higher education. Other tracks will include looking critically at issues of global/international studies programs, study abroad programs, and trends towards "global citizenship," with a critical eye, focusing on both their unintended consequences of increasing the prevalence of bias and stereotyping, as well as their overgeneralization and oversimplification of race, ethnicity and color issues. As with other committees, members will be expected to present recommendations for conference programming: speakers, institutes, workshops and networking opportunities.

Nina Shoman-Dajani

Nina Shoman-Dajani

Chair, Transnational and International Committee

Assistant Dean of Learning Enrichment and College Readiness

Moraine Valley Community College

Palos Hills, Illinois
