Parent Page: Awards & Scholarships id: 35086 Active Page: Dick Hilbert Student Scholars Programid:29586



The Dick Hilbert Student Scholars Program supports 25 conference registration fee scholarships each year. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. It is hoped that the scholarship awards will serve as an incentive for higher education institutions to support student participation in the conference. Scholarship recipients and/or their institutions will be responsible for their own travel, hotel, and all other conference-related expenses.

Key Dates

  • Submission Deadline: January 20, 2025
  • Student Scholarship Recipients Notified: February 21, 2025
  • Recipient Confirmation Deadline: March 3, 2025

Student Scholarship Recipient Requirements and Expectations:

To confirm selection as a scholarship recipient, we are asking for the following commitment from our student scholars to earn an NCORE Student Scholar Certificate:

  • Complete Scholar Recipient Checklist prior to conference
  • Attend Welcome and Student Scholar Orientation Webinar (Date TBD)
  • Attend Welcome and Student Scholar Orientation Tuesday, May 27 (time TBD)
  • Attend the Student Scholar Reception Tuesday, May 27 (time TBD)
  • Attend a minimum of 20 hours of conference sessions, including a Pre-Conference Institute on Tuesday, May 27
  • Attend at least three Keynote Sessions
  • Present at NCORE (Options are listed below)
  • Attend Wrap-Up Meeting, Friday, May 30 (time TBD)
  • Submit a reflection of the NCORE experience

Student Scholar Presentation Options

Each student scholar will be required to choose and present one of the following three formats at the NCORE 2025 conference in New York City. If you select either the Poster Session or Concurrent Workshop presentation and your proposal is not selected, you will be asked to present the Conversation Starter Pecha Kucha Session.


To meet the requirements for this program choice, prospective student scholars must meet the call for poster sessions submission deadline and be selected for presentation. Poster sessions will be presented on Wednesday, May 28, and Thursday, May 29.


This is the program choice if the Call for Presentations deadline was not met. This option is available to all Student Scholars. The Conversation Starter is a short presentation that allows the presenter the option to utilize various presentations styles. Each presentation will be followed by a brief question and answer segment. In past years this option only allowed for the Pecha Kucha presentation style, but moving forward, we have decided to open the options up for the Student Scholars to have more flexibility and comfort in their chosen presentation style. 

Pecha Kucha is a concise presentation style in which the presenter tells a story with 20 slides and allocates 20 seconds per slide. This provides a total presentation time of six (6) minutes and 20 seconds. Here is an example of the Pecha Kucha Style: 


To meet the requirements for this program choice, prospective student scholars must meet the call for presentations submission deadline and be selected for presentation. Concurrent workshop sessions are programmed to be presented on any of the dates between Wednesday, May 28, through Saturday, May 31. 

Review and Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of education professionals—25 scholarship recipients will be selected. Please review the content in the sections below to prepare your application:


Applicant details and contact information will be requested.


Compose a letter specifically addressing the following items:

  • Why would I like recognition as an NCORE student scholar?
  • What knowledge, skills, or abilities would I want to share with the NCORE audience?
  • What personal or professional goals do I have for attending NCORE?
  • How will I translate my participation in NCORE 2025 into actions in my life or on my campus?

Maximum length is 2,500 characters.


The letter should answer the following questions. In addition, it should acknowledge that conference expenses (other than registration fees) are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.

  1. Why are you a good candidate to be an NCORE student scholar?
  2. How would attending NCORE advance your personal or professional goals?
  3. What opportunities might you have to translate attending NCORE into actions on your campus?

It is the responsibility of scholarship applicants to communicate this effectively to those individuals they ask to write letters of recommendation.